Meet The Boots On The Ground
When you visit our Meet the Team page, it becomes clear that the Co-Founders of EMILY™ created a team that thinks outside the box and provides views and thoughts from diverse backgrounds. We intentionally structured ourselves this way to ensure that we could serve the broadest community possible. We approach each target market from a “Day in the Life” perspective. This requires us to understand the complexities and issues that our targeted markets deal with on a daily basis.
We review, brainstorm, and critically review our concepts to ensure they meet the Client’s needs AND will resonate with the targeted market. We believe that the best example of this is the work that we did for the United Way Association of South Carolina’s SC Counts 2020 Census project. In that project, the hard to count populations were the targeted markets. We created content, visuals, and templates for multiple communities and sub-communities, ensuring that we captured and distributed the message to the target markets.